Saturday, September 03, 2005


Developing a new research tool like QTSaver is a gamble.
– What if you find out eventually that someone preceded you?

It is very naïve to put your head in the sand and say whatever will be will be.

Before we embarked on this adventure we looked for similar products; we checked them out and started only after we were convinced that QTSaver is unique. But I never leave my post– I assume that the world is so huge and so full with bright ideas that there will always pop up something new.

Yesterday I found theConcept by Mesa Dynamics.

TheConcept resolves... search engine results from Google (and other search engines)
... and generate reports of citations from the source text in real time.

Danny Espinoza, president of Mesa Dynamics says: We're advancing
our goal of bringing personal data mining to the desktop.

At first sight it looked pretty close to what QTSaver does but taking a closer look I found out that

  • QTSaver is not for Mac only
  • TheConcept doesn't bring all the citations that answer the user's question.

    Now I'm convinced -once again- that QTSaver is unique.
    We can go on with its development.

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