Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Wrong Impressions

A month ago I wrote a letter to the AFB American Foundation for the Blind and only yesterday it was published. I discovered it by following a link from my Site Meter.

It felt good to read the letter: I liked the graphics and I thought it will expose QTSaver to many potential clients. My satisfaction was interrupted by a comment left by a frustrated user:

I tried your link and never got any farther than your copyright page. With the
Google search I got a list of words but didn't get very far with them wither.
Did I miss something?

It felt bad to cause such frustration to the first client that responds from this distinguished site. So I started reading articles about accessibility on the Web and it seemed that QTSaver homepage is fine and no rules of accessibility were violated. Then I asked another visually impaired user to help me solve this problem. He replied immediately:

The combo box is working fine and also the button - the problem might be with
his software - check if he's working with Virgo or with Jaws.

Eventually I felt good again but I'll feel fine when this user will tell me that he solved his problem and succeeded visiting my site.

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