Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Learning from Google Milestones

Google is the Mecca of search engines. No wonder I stumbled upon an article about Google Milestones . It made me think about our situation here at the Qtsaver offices.

Let me share my notes with you:


Development – how long is long enough?

Google's development took two and a half years. QTsaver's development is one year old (according to this model we can wait at least one and a half years more before we decide that Qtsaver is ripe for raising money).


Find a buyer or make it on your own?

Google's search for a buyer from major portal players failed. Founders decided to make a go of it on their own.

QTsaver's is still looking for a funder. I believe we should build our own micro content encyclopedia to demonstrate the power of Qtsaver. Then maybe funders will find us.


Write up a business plan?

Google founders wrote up a business plan and so did we.


Raise Money?

Faculty member gave Google founders $100,000. They located other funders among family, friends, and acquaintances, raised almost $1 million and opened the company

Qtsaver is still looking for a funder.


How many queries per day are enough?

After opening the company Google answered 10,000 search queries each day


Is press essential for success?

After opening the company the press began to take notice of Google and articles appeared in USA TODAY in Le Monde and in PC Magazine.

The press began to take notice of Qtsaver and an article appeared on a local paper.

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