Sunday, February 05, 2006

Filtering Duplicates

In Google I got 8,390,000 results for the word Tinnitus –what can I do with such an avalanche?

I started reading the first results and soon I realized that parts of the articles repeat themselves while other parts add new information. I asked myself how to combine several articles so that I'll get more information on each issue without reading the same information over and over again?

I had to erase irrelevant information (like this: Tinnitus FAQ )
had to avoid ambiguities 
(in this retrieval I got a Rock Band called TINNITUS

I had to erase duplicates.

I analyzed the structure of the first article and discovered the following chapters:

·         What is it?

·         Causes

·         Treatment

·         links

Then I copied and pasted the matching Micro Contents into the right chapters.


What is it? 

 Tinnitus: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a phenomenon of the nervous system connected to the ear, characterized by perception of a ringing or beating sound (often perceived as sinusoidal) with no external source. This sound may be a quiet background noise, or loud enough to drown out all outside sounds. It is sometimes referred to as "the club disease" as many people get temporary Tinnitus at loud clubs or concerts.

Tinnitus can be objective (the sound, e. g. , a bruit, can be perceived by a clinician) or subjective (perceived only by the patient).

Allergy Relief, Sinus Relief - Ear, Nose and Throat Allergy Problems, Hearing Disorders, Sleep Apnea, Sinusitis, . . . : http://headandneckcenter. com/articles/tinnitus. cfm

Tinnitus is the term for noises in the head. Tinnitus may be a continuous or a fluctuating sound. It can vary in pitch from a low roar to a high whistle or squeal. Tinnitus may occur in one or both ears. When the ringing is constant, it can be annoying and distracting. Nearly 36 million Americans suffer from this affliction.


Tinnitus : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tinnitus 

The mechanisms of subjective tinnitus are often obscure. While it's not surprising that direct trauma to the inner ear can cause tinnitus, other apparent causes (e. g. , TMJ and dental disorders) are difficult to explain. Recent research has proposed that there are two distinct categories of subjective tinnitus, otic tinnitus caused by disorders of the inner ear or the acoustic nerve, and somatic tinnitus caused by disorders outside the ear and nerve, but still within the head or neck. It is further hypothesised that somatic tinnitus may be due to "central crosstalk" within the brain, as certain head and neck nerves enter the brain near regions known to be involved in hearing.

Since there is no 'cure' for tinnitus, only treatment, it is wise to take precautions to prevent it occurring. If you hear a ringing in your ears after exposure to a loud environment such as music or work place, it means damage is being done and it is wise to limit your exposure or wear earplugs. Musicians earplugs can lower the volume of the music without distorting the sound and can prevent tinnitus developing in later years.


 Aspirin : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Aspirin

Several hundred fatal overdoses of aspirin occur annually, but the vast majority of its uses are beneficial. Its primary undesirable side effects, especially in stronger doses, are gastrointestinal distress (including ulcers and stomach bleeding) and tinnitus.

Frequently central effects (dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo, centrally mediated vision disturbances, and headaches). The higher the daily dose is, the more likely it is that central nervous system side effects will occur.


 Gun safety : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Gun_safety

When discharged a firearm emits a very loud noise, typically close to the handler's ears. Over time this can cause hearing damage such as tinnitus. Hearing protection is recommended to prevent this.

Allergy Relief, Sinus Relief - Ear, Nose and Throat Allergy Problems, Hearing Disorders, Sleep


Apnea, Sinusitis, . . . : http://headandneckcenter. com/articles/tinnitus. cfm

Most tinnitus comes from damage to the microscopic nerve endings of the inner ear. Injury to these nerve endings may lead to hearing loss and Tinnitus. Recent research suggests that the auditory cortex area of the brain is involved in the production of tinnitus.

For the first time, scientists have located an area in the brain involved in the production of Tinnitus. Tinnitus is a ringing, roaring, buzzing, or clicking sound that occurs inside the head. These findings are in a new study by Alan H.

There are many causes of tinnitus. These include allergy, blood pressure and circulation problems, diabetes, thyroid disease, injury to the head and neck, tumor as well as side effects of medications including aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and antidepressants. Tinnitus can also be a symptom of otosclerosis, a condition characterized by stiffening of the joints of the middle ear bones.



Tinnitus : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tinnitus



Some types of tinnitus can be treated while others are permanent. In general, there are no cures specific to tinnitus, but if it is caused by a physical condition that can be treated, the tinnitus may also resolve. Chronic tinnitus can be quite stressful psychologically as it distracts the affected individual from mental tasks and interferes with sleep, particularly when there is no external sound. The affected individual may have to generate artificial noise that masks the tinnitus sound.



A combination of external masking and psychological counseling known as tinnitus retraining therapy is widely practiced. While it does not actually cure the tinnitus, many report that it becomes much less disturbing and easier to ignore.

 Tinnitus - Tinnitus Treatment - Tinnitus Cure : http://www. t-gone. com 


 Tinnitus retraining therapy : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tinnitus_retraining_therapy

Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is a form of habituation therapy designed to help persons who suffer from tinnitus (ringing ears). TRT uses counseling to explain to the patient how a combination of tinnitus retraining and sound enrichment can first end their negative reaction to the tinnitus sound, and then reduce and eventually end their perception of it. Because there is no known cure for tinnitus, this therapy offers hope to sufferers that are willing to take the time and make the effort to learn and implement it in their lives.

Allergy Relief, Sinus Relief - Ear, Nose and Throat Allergy Problems, Hearing Disorders, Sleep Apnea, Sinusitis, . . . : http://headandneckcenter. com/articles/tinnitus. cfm



can and does affect tinnitus. Further, some individuals are more sensitive to certain foods, agents, and chemicals than others. The use of foods, drinks, or supplements may cause or increase tinnitus. If there has been a change in the intensity, duration, or quality of the tinnitus a recent change in diet or increased intake of a specific food or drink may be the culprit. Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea, cola and tobacco.

Life style changes can help reduce tinnitus. Being well rested and reducing stress and anxiety can reduce the intensity of the tinnitus as well as increase the quality of life for the individual. Techniques to help the sufferer relax which enables the person to rest better and reduce stress and anxiety and can help the tinnitus sufferer better manage the tinnitus. Daily exercise helps reduce stress and improves circulation.

This occurs by making environmental sounds audible to the hearing impaired individual. This introduced sound across the auditory system can partially or completely cover the tinnitus while the individual is wearing the device. In addition, the use of a hearing aid will allow the user to hear better which in turn can reduce stress and anxiety and reduce the annoyance of tinnitus.



 American Tinnitus Association : http://www. ata. org

 Tinnitus FAQ : http://www. bixby. org/faq/tinnitus. html

 MedlinePlus: Tinnitus : http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/tinnitus. html

 British Tinnitus Association - Index : http://www. tinnitus. org. uk 

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