Saturday, July 30, 2005

using book contents to learn

I wanted to learn about working with long documents in Microsoft Word.
I went to , looked for the keywords Microsoft Word, and found a book by the name:

Microsoft Word 2002 Plain & Simple (Paperback) by Jerry Joyce, Marianne Moon.

Hovering over the book cover I saw a link to the table of contents and on the third page I found what I wanted: page 73 Creating a long document.

I tried to copy it but I couldn't.
I tried to printscreen it but I couldn't.

So I opened my IBM ViaVoice and dictated the list of the chapters:

  • Organizing with styles 74
  • Finding topics in a document 76
  • Numbering headings 77
  • Reorganizing the document 78
  • Browsing through your document 80
  • Numbering pages and creating running heads 81
  • Creating variable running heads 82
  • finding text 84
  • Replacing text 86
  • Copying information from multiple locations 87
  • Creating chapters 88
  • Changing page orientation within a document 89
  • Changing margins within a document 90
  • Creating the table of contents 91
  • Creating an index 92
  • Printing on both sides of the paper 94

This exercise gave me an overview of my field of interest . Now I had a work plan.

I started with the first name on the list "Organizing with styles" and entered the keywords Organizing styles Microsoft Word into QTSaver.

The first result gave me all the information I needed . For exampke:

Why Styles Are So Valuable?

Styles are one of Word's most powerful
timesavers, for five important reasons.
First, styles can dramatically reduce
the time it takes to format a document--oftenby 90% or more. Second, styles can
also help you make sure all your documents look consistent, with very little
effort on your part. Third, if you export your Word document to a desktop
publishing program (page 833), most programs can use Word styles to help
automate their work. Fourth, if you need to change the way yourstyled document
looks, you need to change only a few styles, not hundreds of manualformats.

1 comment:

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Once again, thank you ##NAME##, and I will look for your posts again in the future. :-)