Thursday, January 05, 2006

Mini Wikipedia

QT/search can retrieve the most important micro content chunk from Wikipedia entries and thus build a Mini Wikipedia.
I don't know yet if people will like such a product so you are invited to tell me what you think.

Here's a demonstration:
The Little Spotted Cat (Leopardus tigrinus, sometimes Oncifelis tigrinus or Felis tigrina) is also known as Oncilla, Tigrillo or Tiger Cat. It is a close relative of the Ocelot and the Margay; its habitat is the tropical rainforests of Central and South America.The Little Spotted Cat is a nocturnal animal, which hunts for rodents and birds.
The Marbled Cat (Pardofelis marmorata) is similar in size to the Domestic Cat, with a longer, more thickly furred tail, an indicator of an arboreal life-style, where the tail is used as a counterbalance.Its pattern is blotched and banded like a marble, usually compared to the markings of the much larger Clouded Leopard. In color the base fur ranges from pale yellow through to brownish grey with lighter under parts being a lighter variation.
The Margay (Leopardus wiedii, or Felis wiedii) is a spotted cat native to Central and South America.It is a solitary nocturnal animal that prefers remote sections of the rainforest. Although it was once believed to be vulnerable to extinction, the IUCN now lists it as "Least Concern".
A marozi or spotted lion is claimed to be a rare, natural hybrid of a leopard and lion or perhaps an adult lion which retained its childhood spots.It is believed to have been smaller than a lion but slightly larger in size than a leopard and lacking any distinguishable mane. Although it has been reported to be seen in the wild and the skin of a specimen exists, it has yet to be confirmed as either a separate species or subspecies.
Moggy or moggie (plural moggies) in Commonwealth English is an affectionate term for a domestic cat, but is also used as alternate name for a mongrel or mixed-breed cat whose ancestry and pedigree are unknown or only partially known.Because of this mixed ancestry and free-breeding, a moggy can either be very healthy, or, if from an inbred feral colony, genetically unsound and sickly.However, as feral colonies are often left without any form of human intervention and veterinary attention, the sickly generally do not live past kittenhood, leaving the colony as a whole healthy.
The Munchkin cat is a relatively new breed created by a random mutation that produced a midget cat with extremely short legs.Munchkins have short or long coats in a wide variety of colours. Because of their small stature, munchkins are not particularly adept at climbing or jumping.
Cornflower, who was found in 1984.
The Nebelung cat is a long-haired cat breed, bred to resemble the Russian Blue with a long coat.
Ojos Azules are a relatively new breed of domestic cat.Cats with dark blue eyes were discovered in New Mexico among feral cat populations. The first cat discovered was a tortoiseshell named
The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of cat.It is also called a "Foreign Type" cat. This cat combines the Siamese body with a diversity of colorings and patterns.
The Pallas Cat (Otocolobus manul, or Felis manul) or Manul is a small wild cat of Central Asia.The length is 60 cm, plus 25 cm tail. The colour of the fur is ochre; there are vertical bars, which may be invisible due to the thick fur.
The Pampas Cat, also known as the Grass Cat, is a small striped cat native to the Pampas and nearby regions of western central South America, ranging from Ecuador and Chile across the Andes Mountains into Argentina and some neighbouring countries.Little is known about the Pampas Cats' hunting and breeding habits, however it is believed to be a nocturnal hunter, mainly preying on small mammals and birds.
Pangur Ban, the cat who inspired an otherwise unknown 8th (or 9th) century Irish monk to write a poem cataloguing their similarities.
The Persian cat is one of the oldest breeds of cat.The Persian cat originates from Iran (Persia).A show-quality Persian has an extremely long thick coat, short legs, a wide head with the ears set far apart, large eyes, and an extremely foreshortened muzzle.The breed was originally established with a short (but not non-existent) muzzle, but over time this feature has become extremely exaggerated, and Persians are prone to a number of health problems (specifically affecting their sinuses and breathing) caused by it. However, conscientious breeders eliminate this by careful choice of breeding stock, as the goal is first

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