Monday, January 02, 2006

Good Content

On December 07, 2005, at the iMedia Agency Summit in La Quinta, John Battelle gave a keynote speech describing the concept of Web 2.0:
"You have content. If it's good, people want to share it, they want to give it to others, they want to say, 'look, I found this really great thing, I want to share it with you.'" By "sharing," Battelle refers to linking. "The more you're linked to, of course, the more you rank in search," said Battelle, "the more you're up in organic results, the more you're found." And the more you're found, the more your business has an opportunity to grow.

Battelle leans business success on good content. I think that he took the model of Google to explain what good content is. But is Goggle's top ten articles the best in the list of their results?
I think that in most cases even if users get what they wanted the good content is wrapped with a lot of bad content. For Google it's enough that there's one match between the string in your query and the string in your result. But what if the article is very long? You are forced to scan a lot of "good content" that doesn't interest you.

QT/Search tries to solve this problem. It extracts small chunks of micro-content and every such small chunk has a string that matches your keywords. What Google demands from a whole page, be it as long as it gets - QT/search demands from each chunk. The result is that you get focused answers and because the chunks are small enough you get a chance to compare the chunks and understand their common denominator. This new opportunity enables you to decide quickly if your search is on the right track.

To demonstrate this new concept of good content I chose to bring you a few QT/search results about cats. I entered as keywords titles from Wikipedia that start with the letter H-M.
1. Himalayan (cat)
o Image:TCA Himalayan cat - front.jpeg Front view of a Himalayan cat Image:TCA Himalayan cat - side.jpeg Side view of a Himalayan cat Image:Red point cat.jpg A purebred red point Himalayan
o The Himalayan is a breed of cat with extremely long, fluffy fur, and the points of a Siamese.They were bred from Siamese (for the markings) and Persians (for coat-length and temperament), and share characteristics of both breeds. Himalayans are now considered the same breed for cat registries (CFA), (TICA) as the modern Persian show cat since they have the exact same conformation with a pointed coat.

2. Jaguarundi
o The Jaguarundi (Herpailurus yaguarondi) is a medium-sized Central and South American wild cat: length 30 inches (65 cm) with 20 inches (45 cm) of tail.It has short legs and an appearance somewhat like an otter; the ears are short and rounded. The fur is a uniform chestnut brown, but can range from grey to dark brown.
o Some jaguarundi has been sighted around the Guiana Space Center in French Guiana [1].
o de:Jaguarundi es:Herpailurus yaguarondi fr:Jaguarondi lt:Jauarundis nl:Jaguarundi pl:Jaguarundi

3. Puma
o Recent DNA analysis has established that the puma is quite closely related to the jaguarundi and, surprisingly, to the cheetah (which is usually placed in its own subfamily).However, further research has shown that North American cheetahs (Miracinonyx, now extinct) are close relatives of the Puma, but not of true cheetah.

4. Japanese Bobtail (cat) o Image:Japanese Bobtail Cat, Japan.jpg A Calico (called "Mi-ke") Japanese Bobtail cat
o The Japanese Bobtail is a breed of cat with an unusual 'bobbed' tail more closely resembling the tail of a rabbit than that of an ordinary feline.The short tail is caused by the expression of a recessive gene. Thus, so long as both parents are bobtails, all kittens born to a litter will have bobtails as well.

5. American Bobtail
o This is the result of a genetic mutation affecting the tail development, similar to that of a Manx. The cat is not related to the Japanese Bobtail despite the similar name and physical type — the breeding programs are entirely unrelated and the gene causing the mutation is entirely different.

6. Oriental cat o The most ubiquitous 'oriental' cat is the Siamese. Other oriental breeds include the Japanese Bobtail (described as a semi-oriental), Burmese, Balinese and many others.

7. Javanese (cat) o The Javanese is a recognized breed of cat.Javanese have a long, silky coat, that comes in a variety of colors.These cats are highly intelligent, and resemble the Balinese.
o Javanese are very social cats which will become depressed if they are left alone too often.They are generally very playful pets, and are markedly good at jumping. However, they do have a tendency to become overweight if they do not receive adequate exercise.
o Javanese are also quite vocal, and most will "talk" for no particular reason.

8. Korat
o Image:KoratCatMessingWithGermanShepherd.jpg Korat cat with German Shepherd
o The Korat is one of the oldest stable breeds of cat.Originating in Thailand, it is named after the Nakhon Ratchasima province, although in Thailand it is often known as Si-Sawat, which means good fortune. In fact they are often known colloquially as the "Good Luck Cat" and are given in pairs to newlyweds or people of high esteem as a wish for good luck.
o The first known written mention of the Korat was in "The Cat-Book Poems" authored between 1350 and 1767 AD in Thailand, now preserved in the National library in Bangkok.They first appeared in America in the 1950s and arrived in Britain from there in 1972.
o Korats only have one coat (they lack a downy undercoat possibly due to their long history in a hot and humid climate) and do not shed much (chat) Maltese cat
o There are several cat breeds that are always blue. These are the Russian Blue, the Chartreux and the Korat.

9. Russian Blue
o Russian Blues should not be confused with 'British Blues' (which are not a distinct breed but rather a British Shorthair with a blue coat), nor the Chartreux or Korat which are two other naturally occurring breeds of blue cats.

10. Lynx o
The lynx inhabits the high altitude forests with dense cover of shrubs, reeds and grass.Though the cat hunts only on the ground, it can climb trees and swim.Though it can be found in the northern regions of Scandinavia, it is primarily found in North America and also in pockets in the Himalayas. Minnesota Lynx
o Former team member Katie Smith has been the Lynx's most notable star player to date.The team is named after the lynx, a wild variety of cat.The Lynx are the sister team to the Minnesota Timberwolves.

11. Eurasian Lynx o The Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) is a medium-sized cat of European and Siberian forests, where it is one of the major predators.It has yellow fur with black markings; the pattern of the fur is variable: lynxes with heavily spotted fur may exist close to conspecifics with plain fur.
o Once this cat was quite common in all of Europe.By the middle of the 20th century it had become extinct in most countries of Central and Western Europe. In recent times there have been successful attempts to reintroduce the lynx to forests.

12. Maine Coon
o The Maine Coon is one of the largest breeds of domestic cat, known for their intelligence, playfulness as well as distinctive physical appearance.The breed is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and originated from New England.
o In the 17th and 18th centuries, domestic cats brought over from Europe faced very severe winters in New England where only the strongest and most adaptable cats survived. Through natural selection (as opposed to selective breeding), the Maine Coon developed into a large, rugged cat with its water-resistant, thick coat and hardy constitution.The origin of the breed (and its name) has several (often fantastic) stories surrounding it. One comes from a legend that a domestic cat released in the wilds of Maine interbred with a raccoon, resulting in offspring with the Maine Coon characteristics.This biologically impossible myth, bolstered by the bushy tail and the most common coloring (a raccoon-like brown tabby) probably led to the adoption of the name 'Maine Coon.'Another popular story is that the breed sprang from the six pet cats which Marie Antoinette sent to Wiscasset, Maine when she was planning to escape from France during the French Revolution.However, most breeders today believe that the breed originated in matings between pre-existing shorthaired domestic cats and overseas longhairs (perhaps Angora types introduced by New England seamen, or longhairs brought to America by the Vikings). Maine Coons resemble their European counterparts, the Norwegian Forest Cats.
o Maine Coons are very large (but energetic) cats, sometimes weighing over 10 kilograms (22 pounds) with an average of 6 to 9 kilograms (13-20 pounds) for adult males and less for females.The most common color/pattern in the breed is brown with tabby markings. Maine Coons are recognized in all colors except for chocolate, lavender, ticked tabby, and the point-restricted ("Siamese") pattern.They have medium-long, dense fur, with longer hair, or ruff, on their chests and a pronounced mane, similar to that of a lion (which is why the breed is sometimes spelled "Mane Coon").Their fur consists of two layers - a typical undercoat and an additional layer of guard hairs, which gives the breed their key physical feature. The fur is generally very soft.
o Image:Ashesrey95reduced.jpg A Tabby-colored Maine Coon adult male (right) next to an average sized adult mixed breed female
o A genetic predisposition towards hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has appeared in a portion of the Maine Coon population.In extreme cases, this condition can result in the sudden death of what appears to be an otherwise healthy animal. It can be detected by regular cardiac ultrasounds of pets between the ages of 3 and 6, when the pets are at highest risk.
o Burke's Backyard (Australian TV program) road-test report on the Maine Coon.
o The Online Cat Guide's Maine Coon Description
8. Tabby cat
o Often, an "M" shape appears on the forehead. The Maine Coon breed often appears in brown mackerel tabby.

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