Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Arnauld Leene about QTSaver

Last week Arnauld Leene wrote the following about QTSaver:

Martin's post reminded me to have a look at QTsaver again. I think I never commented on it before. The main reason for that was that I did not know what to think of it.
QTsaver allows you to do free searches based on Yahoo and Google. It then throws up the sentences where the search queries occur. I like this way to present the results of a search query. It is much easier to find the sites that are interesting. And it is nice to have a list of quotes around a subject. But that is what I find the trouble of the results as well. It lacks the context. I rather see the whole article or even the web-page, than some quotes.
By the way QTsaver calls it self a "micro content search engine". In my formal definition these quotes are not MicroContent. But never mind the definition, it is a nice experiment to see what happens when we dig down into MicroContent Items.

And here is my comment to what he wrote:

Thanks for commenting on QTSaver. I like your point of view...

A few notes:
1. You say: "Based on Yahoo and Google" and I'd like to add that it is based also on Dmoz and Wikipedia.

2.You say: "it lacks the context" and I'd like to add that there's a link to the source so once you found something interesting you click on that link and get the context.

3. BTW for me micro content is not a technical term but a vision - I hope to help convert the MACRO CONTENT WWW to micro contents, and I view QTSaver as a pioneer for making this needed change: today we get for most of our queries much more than we can chew - I think we deserve better.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Searching problems with Google Images

Searching images for my research about the Star of David is very frustrating. The captions of the best images I found so far had no relevant keywords like:
Star of David
Shield od David
Davids's shield
Magen David
Solomon's Seal etc.
I found them by scanning hundreds of photos that answer search words like
Roman Mosaics Sicily
Bardo Museum Tunisia, etc.
This problem seems unsolvable...

Another problem I stumbled upon was that my own photos from Flickr didn't publish on Google Images and I wandered why. I asked around and nobody knew. Today I noticed that my traffic meter shows visitors to my site who were referred to it by Google Images. I searched on Google Images for "star of David" Flickr and got 248 answers - a few dozens of them were mine. So the answer is that it takes six months until Google Images adds new photos to its pool.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dr Asher Eder

I helped Dr Asher Eder open a new blog and just to show him how it works I uploaded the results from QTSaver for the query: "Asher Eder". IMHO it gives the reader who doesn't know who Dr Asher Eder is quite a good summary in one click. This is something QTSaver does brightly - answering the question who is that guy...